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  • 本張音樂專輯讓樂團獲得第10座葛萊美獎,也是派特個人第17座獎

  • 內容簡介

    派特.曼西尼 - 一路向上 BD


    Pat Metheny is one of the most original and distinctive guitarists of modern times. Together with long time collaborator and keyboards player Lyle Mays he founded the Pat Metheny Group in 1978. Instantly successful, they have established themselves at the forefront of jazz-rock fusion with a succession of best selling albums and sell out world tours. This new DVD, filmed in late 2005, features the full concert version of his most recent album “The Way Up”, which earned Pat Metheny Group their 10th Grammy AwardR and Metheny personally his 17th.

    2.Part One
    3.Part Two
    4.Part Three


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